วันเสาร์ที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Localism in Thailand

The chief proponent of localism in Thailand or moso (Moderation society) is King Bhumibol Adulyadej's "the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy". The foundations of King Bhumibol's theory included sustainability, moderation and broad-based development. The Learning Centre of King Bhumibol’s Philosophy of Economic Sufficiency claimed the concept focused on living a moderate, self-dependent life without greed or overexploitation of, for example, natural resources.
According to a leaked top secret telegraph from the US Ambassador in Thailand to the US Secretary of State, the tenets of Sufficiency Economy are "vague and malleable" and its popularity stems from “public reluctance to criticize anything associated with the revered King.”
After a coup d'état, the military junta claimed that the policies of deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra were inconsistent with the theory. The preamble of the junta's new constitution stated that promotion of self-sufficiency was one of the fundamental roles of the state.
The Junta-appointed Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont pledged to allocate 10 billion baht (almost US$300 million) for projects to promote well-being in line with King Bhumibol's sufficiency economy principle. He made the pledge while participating in King Bhumibol's 80th birthday celebrations.
In 2007, the Democrat Party-run Bangkok Metropolitan Administration gave away a million baht to each city community that joined the ”Self-sufficiency Community Plan According to His Majesty the King’s Self-sufficiency Initiative.”
Foreigners were for the most part left confused. After a meeting with Ministry of Finance officials where the need for more sufficiency was explained, Standard & Poor's director of sovereign ratings noted, "No one knows what [sufficiency economy] really means." The Asia Times noted that "There is a concurrent risk that the royal philosophy will be twisted by less scrupulous government officials as an opportunity to abuse their authority for rent-seeking and extortion, particularly among foreign-invested concerns". NGO activists hoping to use Sufficiency Economy theory to oppose the construction of large-scale dams were sharply criticized by Bhumibol, a long-time advocate of dam construction, who claimed that the deforestation caused by dams was necessary to provide consistent energy and water sources for farmers.


"...The development of the country must be fostered in stages. It must start with the construction of infrastructure, that is, the provision of food and basic necessities for the people by methods which are economic, cautious and conforming with principles. Once the foundation is firmly established, progress can be continually, carefully and economically promoted. This approach will prevent incurring mistakes and failures, and lead to the certain and complete achievement of the objectives..."
—H.M. the King Speech at Kasetsart University Commencement Ceremony on 19th July 1974.
The Sufficiency Economy is not a theory about how the economy of a country works, but rather a guide to making decisions that will produce outcomes that are beneficial to development. Also, The NESDB has the definition of the philosophy that - Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy that stresses the middle path as an overriding principle for appropriate conduct by the populace at all levels. This applies to conduct starting from the level of the families, communities, as well as the level of nation in development and administration so as to modernize in line with the forces ofglobalization. “Sufficiency” means moderation, reasonableness, and the need of self-immunity for sufficient protection from impact arising from internal and external changes. To achieve this, an application of knowledge with due consideration and prudence is essential. In particular great care is needed in the utilization of theories and methodologies for planning and implementation in every step. At the same time, it is essential to strengthen the moral fiber of the nation, so that everyone, particularly public officials, academics, and business people at all levels, adhere first and foremost to the principles of honesty and integrity. In addition, a way of life based on patience, perseverance, diligence, wisdom and prudence is indispensable to create balance and be able to cope appropriately with critical challenges arising from extensive and rapid socioeconomicenvironmental, and cultural changes in the world.

Criticism of the philosophy

There have been the efforts by military junta government to incorporate the King's 'Sufficiency Economy' (Localism) in the national economic policy. Thai critics are generally careful to direct their comments towards the military junta government, rather than the King, out of fear of prosecuation for lèse majesté. Consequently, such criticism is often phrased as inneffective application rather than disagreement in principle. Nonetheless, common points of disagreement include:
  1. The philosophy is not consistent with the reality of Thailand economic development, and
  2. Nobody understands it and there are several vague interpretation.
  3. Investment and Loan


    Sufficiency economy is designed to cover the weaknesses in the capitalism, i.e. the philosophy alone cannot be used solely, but can be a complement to capitalism.
    For example, the philosophy states that one must consider the investment at low risk, avoid the investment that possess the potential of over-finance. This idea is not new, but has already been in the financial textbook (close to the concepts in finance: Liquid ratio, acid ratio, debt-capitol ratio, etc.).


    Another example in the philosophy: one must save money enough before investment, and not overinvest such that one becomes deep in debt. Some believe this idea is in conflict with the concepts of economy of scale and economy of scope in economics and the exploitation of future demand.


    Self-sufficiency economy (Localism) offers the idea of limited productions for the purpose of saving the environment and scarce resources. The production is limited to the level that adequate for individual consumption the excess of the consumption will be for sale. This gives rise to the problems according to the four conditions of the availability of resources: abundance; scarcity; and nonrenewable resources.

    Scarce resources and nonrenewable resources

    The philosophy emphasizes these two conditions of the availability of resources. The philosophy implies that resources and production are for individual consumption, and the excess of the consumption would be for sales.

    Social class and resource consumption

    The philosophy holds that the rich can consume as much resource as they like if their consumptions do not incur loan. In contrary, the poor should consume resources only at the level that do not incur any loan. 

    Media Criticism

    Asia Times Online has published an article that analyzes the Thai military junta government's economic policy that is fully influenced by the King's self-sufficient philosophy . The article notices the unexpected, rather bold step in Thailand economic development of the military junta government, endorsed by the King, that willingly responds to the King's philosophy. The article criticizes the philosophy as being so new as to have no academic ground and no empirical approval. As a consequence, any misstep, whether improper interpretation from the philosophy to be economic policy or the unaudited practices, would have caused the Thai economy's demise. The article also claimed that the protectionism that the Thai government has used will disperse foreign investors and reduce short term cash flow from outside the country.
    The article emphasizes the contradiction between capitalism and self-sufficient economics, which favors long-term economic alignment with what is environmentally friendly, this being the main principle in the philosophy, particularly in less-regulated markets. The Thai model of sustainability is slightly different than Western sustainable development models. In the Western concept of sustainable development, the force that drives the will to protect the environment comes from society's long-term needs. In the Thai model, the driving force comes from the basic human psychological state of need. This psychological state of need can be refined through a far-sighted government education of the public. The other name for localism in Thailand is called "Buddhist Economics".
    The philosophy has been demonstrated by Pridiyathorn Devakula, Thai Minister of Finance, who proclaims he is a supporter of the King's self-sufficiency economy, or Localism. Examples of his policies that follow the King's philosophy of sufficiency economy are: limiting foreign companies investments, a practice that enormously reduces the liquidity of the Thai economy; regulation and investigation of foreigners' sources of funds; and capital controls that allegedly destroyed US$20 billion of market value in one day. As a consequence of capital controls and investigations into foreign investors, the World Trade Organization (WTO) sent negative feedback to Thailand which cast doubt on the ability of Thailand to continue to be a WTO member . The prime ministerSurayud Chulanont, who also proclaims the King's localism, has called for the former minister of commerce Somkid Jatusripitak, who is pro-capitalism, to return to the service of the country.
    An article appearing in the Bangkok Post on 22 February 2007 noted that Somkid Jatusripitak, who had been the finance minister in the previous Thaksin-led government, resigned his new position as spokesman for the sufficiency economy within days of being appointed. His appointment to the position had been heavily criticized, and Mr. Somkid said that he resigned in order to prevent ongoing divisions in Thai society.
    The Bangkok Post reported on 23 February 2007 that there is now discussion about whether the committee drafting the new constitution should include language defining Thailand's economic policy. The previous constitution, drafted in 1997, had identified capitalism and free markets as the Thai economic philosophy.
    One example of the Thai government's application of the King's self-sufficient philosophy is in promoting the use of local currency. The use of "Bea-Kud-Shum" as a local currency in specific parts of rural Thailand was endorsed by the Thai government in August 2006, in spite of the fact that the use of this currency instead of the standard Thai 'Baht' had been deemed illegal previous to this. This example also shows the difficulties of applying the philosophy, in that by using local currency such as "Bea-Kud-Shum", the currency itself is exempted from tax collection and can therefore interfere with the tax system.

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555


แม่น้ำน่าน มีต้นกำเนิดอยู่ในเทือกเขาหลวงพระบาง จังหวัดน่าน มีความยาวตลอดลำน้ำ 740 กิโลเมตร ซึ่งยาวที่สุด ในบรรดาแควต้นน้ำเจ้าพระยาด้วยกัน นับเป็นหนึ่งในแม่น้ำสายหลักในภาคเหนือและภาคกลางของไทย โดยได้ไหลรวมกับแม่น้ำปิง กลายเป็นแม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา แม่น้ำสำคัญสายหนึ่งของประเทศ


แม่น้ำน่านไหลจากอำเภอเฉลิมพระเกียรติ อำเภอทุ่งช้าง อำเภอเชียงกลาง อำเภอปัว อำเภอท่าวังผา อำเภอเมืองน่าน อำเภอภูเพียง อำเภอเวียงสา อำเภอนาน้อยผ่านมาทางอำเภอนาหมื่น จังหวัดน่านและถูกกั้นด้วยเขื่อนสิริกิติ์ ที่อำเภอท่าปลา จังหวัดอุตรดิตถ์ จากนั้นไหลผ่านอำเภอเมืองอุตรดิตถ์ อำเภอตรอน อำเภอพิชัย ลงมายังอำเภอพรหมพิราม อำเภอเมืองพิษณุโลก แล้วไหลผ่านอำเภอเมืองพิจิตร อำเภอตะพานหิน อำเภอบางมูลนาก รวมกับแม่น้ำยม ที่ตำบลเกยไชย อำเภอชุมแสงจังหวัดนครสวรรค์ แล้วไหลไปรวมกับแม่น้ำปิง ที่ตำบลแควใหญ่ อำเภอเมืองนครสวรรค์ จังหวัดนครสวรรค์ เป็นแม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา
