วันเสาร์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Pee Ta Khon

Those people in Dhan Sai District, Loei have established their merit ceremony of March (Duan Si)--the Boon Pa Ved together with Boon Bung Fai called Ngan Boon Luang. It has been held during the end of March to the beginning of April every year. This so-called a big event and there is a grand sermon (Tej Mahachat) named the Mahavejsandon Jadoh, the story of last great incarnation of the Budda.
There is not only the grand sermon but also the demonstration of the beginning of their fertility. The ceremony includes fantastic parade as a symbol for inviting the last great incarnation of the Budda, Phra Mahavejsandon, to the city. The belief in bringing a season of rainy to their land makes them build "Bung Fai"--the rocket made by many segments of jointed stem bamboo with potassium nitrate to fire fusee. This Boon Luang parade of Dahn Sai people comes the Pee Ta Khon festival which is now a famous Thai parade or caravan widely known all over the world.
Pee Ta Khon is one of the E-san traditional plays. Each player must wear scary mask and make-up to look like ghost. Not for invoking evil spirit but for amusing among the crowd. In former years, E-san people usually played it for favor during the Boon Bung Fai and Boon Pa Ved ceremonies. The origin of Pee Ta Khon parade is based on the belief in old time story of the last great incarnation of the Budda, Mahavejsandon. While his parents, the King and the Queen of those days, had welcomed him and his family back after banishment. The caravan paraded them back to the city was full of savages and ghosts who used to serve and respect him highly, joined for farewell.

